Understand Africa Better.

Speaking, Engagements and Advisory
Understand Africa Better.
A highlight of Anzetse Were's speeches, public-facing engagements, and advisory roles.

L to R: Drudeisha Madhub (Data Protection Commissioner, Mauritius), Iota Kaousar Nassr (Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division, OECD), Sadhna Sewraj-Gopal (Second Deputy Governor, Bank of Mauritius), Anzetse Were, Carmine Di Noia (Director for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, OECD), Kheertee Ramsohok Heerasing (Head, RCE), Katherine Gibson (Deputy Commissioner, Financial Sector Conduct Authority, South Africa), Sandra Ro (CEO, Global Blockchain Business Council)

Anzetse Were is appointed by The National Treasury and Economic Planning to the inter-agency taskforce on the development of the National Climate Finance Mobilisation Strategy for Kenya. (Nov 2023)

Anzetse Were moderates a roundtable on agricultural technology innovation to support climate resilience as part of the visit to Kenya by Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, in her capacity as United Nations Secretary-General Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). (Oct 2023)

Anzetse delivers a keynote speech at the Women in Leaders Program organised Duke Corporate Education (Oct 2023)

Anzetse Were is appointed to serve as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Eveready East Africa, the largest supplier of portable power solutions in East Africa.(September 2023)

Anzetse Were joins a Wilton Park conference on 'Emerging markets in debt distress: exploring options for debt restructuring'. The conference was organised in partnership with His Majesty’s Treasury and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and in association with JP Morgan, Alvarez & Marsal, BlueBay Asset Management, PGIM and White & Case. (September 2023)

Anzetse Were delivers her speech on the green bond opportunity in Kenya during the Africa Climate Summit in a side event hosted by The National Treasury and Economic Planning, Kenya (September 2023)

Anzetse Were meets with Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, during his tour of Kenya hosted by Meg Whitman, Ambassador of the United States to Kenya. (March 2023)

Anzetse Were meets with Whitney Baird, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs at the Department of State. The conversation focused women's economic empowerment and fostering partnerships between Kenya and the United States. (March 2023)

Anzetse Were shares work she is leading in green and climate finance at FSD Kenya with the Permanent Secretary of the National Treasury, Dr Chris Kiptoo (March 2023)

Anzetse delivers a keynote speech at an event hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute and SweDev. She explores the layered economic effects of climate change in Africa and how intelligently re-crafting financial architecture can aggregate the positive effects of green and climate finance towards economic resilience in Africa.

The 6th Absa Macro Conference focuses on the impact of global geopolitics on the African continent. Previous speakers include Dani Rodrik.

Anzetse Were is a peer reviewer and contributor to the Africa’s Development Dynamics (AFDD) Reports-- a partnership between the African Union Commission and the OECD Development Centre.

Anzetse Were joins a conversation with Catherine Pattillo (Deputy Director, IMF African Department) and Patrick Njoroge (Governor, Central Bank of Kenya), on the IMF Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook to discuss how African countries can navigate current economic turbulence.

Anzetse Were advises on Economic Development and Green transformation in Africa-Europe relations through her engagement with the European Think Tanks Group (ETTG). Her contributions are focused on research, policy and strategy.