Anzetse Were coordinated, moderated and spoke at several events during the COP 29 hosted by Azerbaijan in Baku. The events were co-hosted by FSD Kenya in partnership with several organisations including The National Treasury and Economic Planning (Kenya), The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry (Kenya), PwC Kenya, Agusto&Co., Mercy Corps, Secours Islamique France (SIF) and others.
On November 14, FSD Kenya co-hosted an event focused on integrating climate finance into locally led development. The keynote speaker was the Director General, Budget, Fiscal and Economic Affairs of The National Treasury (Kenya), Albert Mwenda. The panel indicated below, provided insight on strategic activities that address the theme including those led by FSD Kenya such as the County Green Finance Assessment, and County Green Investment Facility the latter of which were led, structured, and designed by Anzetse Were.

On November 16, the focus was on catalysing climate resilience in Africa, where panelists discussed the difficulties and opportunities regarding matching climate finance structures and styles, with development, green and climate priorities in Africa. Again, the innovative approach and style of the County Green Investment Facility was highlighted.

Anzetse Were spoke at and moderated the final event hosted by the Climate Mobility Pavilion on November 20, which focused on climate mobility and displacement, and the role of climate and gender responsive finance in addressing this. Anzetse's comments focused on the layered economic impacts of climate change on African economies, including on fiscal and monetary policy. The panelists were led by Peter Odhengo, Head of the Climate Finance and Green Economy Unit in The National Treasury (Kenya). The discussion focused on climate finance activities that are already addressing these impacts with a focus on climate displacement and gender inclusivity.